Saturday, June 26, 2010

Newspaper articles and Threads Fashion Show

The website is being updated currently and pictures, as well as articles will be posted soon from events and stories over the past month.

Thank you for you patience and time:)

Candice Skinner
910-922-6726 for info on specific events, stories, or photos

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Balcony Blog:)

It's rest and relaxation time for this gal and I'm in Florida sitting on my balcony listening to the waterfall splash in the pool, the frogs croak, and the waves crash. The air is thick and humid, but there is a light breeze blowing that cools things down a bit's one of those things that might not be enjoyed it you've never dealt with heeavvy humidity, but everything's just right if you ask me. It's just one of those summer nights.... There is something so calming about sitting near the ocean at night, it lulls you to peace with whatever troubles may be in your heart. It lets you know that you are so small and the works of God are so large that anything can be accomplished through him. I believe this with all my heart that no matter how bad a situation there may be, God can take it and help you make peace with it.

I have been so exhausted lately with everything going on that I just need to go to bed after our trip, but it's one of  those nights...those summer nights that I can't bare to go to sleep because it's so perfect sitting out here. I have my feet kicked up on the rails, the kids are tucked in my bed, and I am allowed to think. Allowed to think about how wonderfully blessed I am to have such amazing children that love me so much. I am so blessed they are healthy and happy, even when they throw temper tantrums and even when they scream and cry, I am blessed. Things aren't perfect, but yet I'm blessed. And that's what's in the air by the ocean....just the power to feel that though things aren't the exact way you want them...they are great in their own way.

***haven't seen any oil yet, Thank God!!!****

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Must blog now!

It's that time of day for me [actually night, but who really cares] The kids are sleeping, the house is quiet and I'm doing my late night editing and computer work. I wasn't able to blog yesterday so, I shall make up for lost blogging today!

I was a little behind today because Abby wasn't feeling too great so, had to put appointments on hold and work around tiny#1's demands:) I'm a huuuge softy when one of the kids is sick! Family comes first, second because God is the number one spot, but that is so that number two is well taken care of. Without a whole lotta prayer this Momma would be one crazy lady :) Anyways, I have a few sessions/events to finish editing and get those out...a few emails to do...and then to get ready for tomorrow! I'm going to a Welcome Home ceremony for the 209th MP co that's returning from helping the folks in Haiti to take some pics and also to talk to a few people about what it was like over there and what they did. They are going to have a guest speaker Mr. DB Sweeney, many know him from CSI, House, and a few other things I don't watch, but what I know him from is The Cutting Edge...Ohh my gosh that movie was AMAZING:) Yes, it was forever and a day ago, but none the less awesome. Anyways, I might get the chance to interview him...we shall see. Either way, many pics to come!

On another subject- The creativity boot camp's theme for yesterday was Multilayered and today it was heavy metal...soooo here's what I did:

Abby's multilayer personality:)

  and Heavy Metal:)                                                                     

Monday, June 7, 2010

Picnic for one:)

Picnic for one:)
Originally uploaded by Cskinner825
Today's creativity boot camp gave us the magical word Picnic. And I immediately thought summertime and of course the old fashioned plaid blanket. I couldn't find the red and white one [they were out at the dollar tree LOL] so, blue it was and it worked perfectly with the bright watermelon. And Ashton LOVED it :) That little guy will do anything and do it HAPPILY! I tried to entice Abby to come join in, but today was a no nap day again because we were running around like CRAZY with doctors visits and getting things settled back into Leesville [officially anyways.] So, the shot worked out well and we will see what tomorrow brings for my assignment:)

More blogging coming soon:)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

feelin blogged down ;)

I haven't been putting as much effort into blogging as I had hoped to. So many things have been buzzing around that my attention and time have been spread pretty thin, but I am going to start trying to make this part of my day.
Now, let's move on to bigger and better things:) Like, this little creative trip I'm taking myself on. I enrolled in a little expand your creativity boot camp, which I'm pretty excited about, to remind me to think outside of the box. Today's random word prompt was "Ivory" and man, that word just brings so many things to mind. Mainly soft images, children, perfect skin, porcelain dolls, elephants, Victorian motifs, and sooo many more. I immediately thought Geisha because of their painted faces and delicate skin, but where was I going to get a Geisha for a picture today? LOL  I could always ask Abby to do it, but she shammed out of her nap today and well, when she doesn't nap it's best not to ask her to cooperate:) That child has a spirit that can not be contained. I love it and I fight it at the same time. When she wants something she wants it more than anything else and boy, will she do juuust about what ever it takes to get it. That's a great thing if she wants something I'm okay with. And when things are not such, we go round and round and round. She is so much like me it's like battling myself and that is a challenge. I know how stubborn and persistent I can be and she has both of those qualities and wears them proudly. So, Geisha for Abby today....not so much. But she did watch Toy Story 2 and as usual helped out with her little brother:) She's such an awesome big sister. She constantly checks on him and she calls him "little brother" and "little man" it's so cute! Anyways, completely off of the subject...back to "Ivory" lol...well, no Geisha in town, abby didn't want to be one so, I decided to do this:

We shall see what tomorrow brings and what kind of creativity is unleashed from this mind of mine:)

<3 ya! Talk to you soon!